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Project Engineering

Project Engineering

    ENI UK – Offshore Storage Installation (OSI), Liverpool Bay
    Telecom, Position Reference System (PRS) and GPA Upgrade
    Codex Integrity Limited were responsible for the detailed engineering, work pack generation and provision of site labour to undertake a telecoms upgrade. This included the engagement and management of selected 3rd party vendors – Tyco Fire & Gas and RUP Limited. The project comprised:
  • Generation of a Telecom, PRS and GPA upgrade specification document
  • System interface CAD drawings c/w wiring diagrams, cable schedules and material bills
  • Design and structural calculations for a GRP telecoms main tower
  • Comprehensive construct and destruct work pack development
  • Rope access cable and equipment installation (Codex)
  • System installation, integration and testing (Codex and vendors)
  • Detailed ITPs and commissioning logs
  • As-built data packs
    This task was complex as it required equipment construct and destruct and system commissioning and testing, without any impact on the day-to-day installation operations. This was another incident-free, multi-discipline offshore activity completed with any safety or environmental incident.


    Please feel free to contact a technical authority for more information and advice about our project engineering technical capability.

ENI UK - Offshore Storage Installation, Liverpool Bay
Telecom, Position Reference System and GPA Upgrade


    BHP Billiton – Liverpool Bay
    Jack-Up to Fixed Platform Interfacing
    Codex Integrity Limited were responsible for the engineering and physical interface of the Leviathan Jack-Up together with all required safety and operational systems. The project comprised:
  • Generation of interface specification document
  • Design of all system interface requirements – ESD, fire & gas, deluge, telecoms and navigation equipment
  • Construct and destruct work packs c/w detailed interconnection and GA drawings
  • Shipyard upgrade engineering and field technical support
  • Operational support for jack-up field approach and hook-up
  • Site hook-up and testing execution
  • Temporary deluge system submersible pump deployment and testing
  • Deconstruct activities
    This complex activity was an operationally critical task, with a very short lead-in time, and resulted in no harm to personnel or the environment, and no operational disruption for the client.


    Please feel free to contact a technical authority for more information and advice about our project engineering capability.

BHP Billiton - Liverpool Bay
Jack-Up to Fixed Platform Interfacing

A Worldwide, Global Service

Codex provides technical and site support to facilities worldwide.  We are particularly effective at remote management of integrity and maintenance systems in order to reduce the need for personnel located within client offices, and the high associated costs.

We fully understand the importance of regular meetings and updates, and schedule them at the optimum times either face-to-face or via video teleconferencing.


We are always happy to offer advice on our areas of expertise. Our technical authorities and senior engineers are available to discuss any topics and queries in order to demonstrate our suitability for support provision.